GMO Free Certificate ensures products contain no GMOs, protecting consumer health and encouraging non-GMO use.

GMO Free

Food Certification

The GMO Free Certificate certifies no GMOs in food products, aiding in consumer information and public health protection.

GMO Free Certification

The GMO Free Certificate indicates that a food product does not contain Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). Today, many products, such as corn, cotton, soy, potatoes, sugar beets, and canola, are highly likely to be GMO-based. The genetic structure of these products can be altered through laboratory work and differentiated using various organisms like bacteria and viruses. These modifications can extend the product’s shelf life, improve its freshness, and enhance its appearance. However, such changes make the product unhealthy and pose a risk to consumer health, both in the short and/or long term. Therefore, the GMO Free Certificate is issued to protect consumer health and regulate the market conditions of these products.

The GMO Free Certificate is crucial for informing consumers and ensuring market surveillance, as it confirms that products are free from GMOs. The GMO-free certification contributes to public health protection and encourages food producers to use non-GMO ingredients.

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