ISO 3834-2 ensures proper quality conditions for welded products based on welding methods.

EN ISO 3834-2 Certification
Source Certification
ISO 3834-2 outlines quality standards and procedures for welding manufacturing to avoid production issues.
EN ISO 3834-2 Certification
The ISO 3834-2 certification standard is a system standard prepared by ISO to determine the appropriate quality conditions based on the welding method of metals, particularly the fusion welding technique, for manufacturing companies engaged in welded production.
The ISO 3834-2 welding manufacturing qualification standard is related to the quality of the product that may be affected by welding and welding-related processes in the manufacturing sector. The ISO 3834-2 standard provides guidelines for determining the quality requirements for welding production carried out in factories or on-site, as well as the welding capabilities of manufacturers producing at the specified quality level.
A product’s quality must be ensured during manufacturing, not by inspection alone. For products free from problems in manufacturing and service conditions, controls must be ensured from material selection during the design phase to post-manufacturing inspections. For example, poor design, incorrect material selection, or negative welding conditions may cause cracks in welded joints, resulting in costly and serious issues. To ensure robust and effective production, management needs to be aware of potential problem sources and apply the appropriate quality procedures. EN ISO 3834 specifies measures applicable to various situations.